Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Image result for SEX TRANSMUTATION
Sex Transmutation basically means to transfer sexual energy and funnel it into something else. Now you may ask is it possible? Sex is sex after all. Think of it this way. Your balls are pretty much the only reason you are a man and have the slightest bit of motivation whatsoever, at least in going after women. Take a Bull for example. Castrate it. Now it is as docile as a cow. Its life juice and force has been stolen from it. It has no power anymore. (Physically yes but the drive to act on it no). A man without “sex” is nothing. No great leader in history has ever been great without sex. And by this I don’t mean actually having sex.

Many of the greatest leaders in history have contributed their success to women who stood by and supported them. That does not mean they had sex with them but the used that energy and transferred it into the business world. You know how when you don’t fap for a long time you are super motivated to meet women? Imagine if instead of just chasing women you transferred that energy into work, school, etc. You reach a form of Genius as Napoleon Hill once said in his book “Think and Grow Rich”.

Now onto the superpowers. First I will mention this, people know on here how bad PMO is, however no one mentions sex is bad too not in moderation. Let’s look at the animals for example. We are the only animal in the world that doesn’t have a mating season. We think daily is pretty much ok if it’s a healthy relationship. That is not true. Spending all your energy is sex does not help you in other areas of life. Sex in moderation is extremely good and puts you in harmony with nature and how things are supposed to be. That is not to say there is a set limit but if you think it is too much it most likely is. Now superpowers come from sex transmutation. Transfering your energy you would spend in pursuing countless amounts of novel women and using it in some other area of your life. Ever wonder how most men don’t hit their successful point in life until around age 40-60? It has nothing to do with work experience, nothing to do with schooling. Reason being younger men spend all their sex energy having sex and PMOing. It’s true. Older men are not having psychical sex as much so that energy is being transferred into other areas of their life as “motivation”. Why do men in their 40’s-60’s work twice as long as us sometimes? Why do they work harder etc when we are the ones who are supposed to be strong? Why are we the ones out partying and doing nothing other than spending our energy on useless pleasure? Older men end up doing this unconsciously not even knowing the energy that has been transferred to them. Luckily Napoleon Hill studied for over 12 years on how sex had to deal with success and failure.

Anyone who thinks giving up sex as a whole is wrong. You don’t need to do the physical act of sex, but you need to release that energy. Don’t believe me? Another classic example. You have a dam of water that keeps filling up, eventually its going to get to the point that it over flows or breaks through and rushes out anyway. You don’t want to let it explode and waste the energy. Rather find a way to transfer it.

Don’t waste your energy

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